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Bonafide haxx: Warning, ur device is infected w/ Klebold

Boom headshot

Profile for:

Name: Whatever will have u, Vodka probably.
(dylan if ur wierd!)
Location: (Currently) Far, Far away.
Birthdate: Are u getting me gifts?
Sex: Yes plz I'm a virgin.. aka male, if it isn't obvious.
Marital status: One million wives + one husband
Hobbies: Computer, video games, scaring girls off, music
Computers: A library-rented laptop, every 5-8 months..
Occupation: Oh, y'know.
Personal quote: Ought to not have looked.



Hello there. :-) If you were looking for cool iNfOrMaTiOn on me, this would be the place. God, eugh. Hate how that looks, lmao

My name's Dylan. I use a lot of those, online that is, as I remain totally inconspicuous everywhere.. Not really, but. The big three you could hit me with are Dylan, Vodka, or Emil if you're normal. Keep in mind that I WILL give you a weird look if you, for whatever reason, choose to call me Dylan and I barely know you, just as fair warning. Do not try to incorporate me into your LARP-circlejerk, I am not interested.

I'm a fairly normal teenage d00d who passes his days cooped up in his bedroom, and I sleep with one pillow and no blanket. I am an 11th grader at an unnamed Highschool, and it is really shitty. Right now my nightstand has an empty solo cup (designated water cup), a hairtie and an unused tissue on it. The drawer has three empty shots of smirnoff inside & my other electronics.

My favorite animal is a hamster or an american curl cat, I have three pet cats of my own (They're called Luca, Hercules, and Lucy) and my favorite person is my Boyfriend. Call him Proxy for convenience. I'm a jack of all trades, master a' zero. I like coding, sleeping, watching movies, indulging in music, exploring the internet in my room, etc.

I have a small collection of music-related things I own, as well as many other strange things in my room. Just ask, el oh el.

My AOL eMail, to chat me:
If I don't respond, it's not personull. I'm bad @ talkin.
Auf wiedersehen, adios!

First image chainsaw