"Send this to everyone you know. the more who know about me the better."
Full name: Dylan, the rest is to be eventually found out by NOT you
Nicknames: Vodka, V, Vod, Death, Green.. Nothing else really
Birthplace: The coldest point in the USA, or under your bed
Birthday: June 3rd
Where Do You Live Now?: I'm not telling anybody that!
Parent(s): I am also not saying that.. Mom and Dad works
Sibling(s): Nah
Looks: Blonde, brown eyes, kinda compressed looking. Maybe a 6/10
Favorite Animal(s): Hamsters, cats (big and small), & foxes, etc
Favorite TV Show(s): I don't really watch TV
Favorite Kind(s) Of Music: Rock&Roll, Techno, Industrial, Heavy Metal
Favorite Movie(s): Pulp fiction, Lost Highway, Natural Born Killers, Monty Python, American Psycho
School: NOPE!!!!
Future School: Dunno yet, probably none
Future Job: The Graveyard
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: PROX!! Or, Reb lul... And every girl I see is My girlfriend
Best Buds: Proxy, Reb, Indigo, War, Reverend, Rebdoomer, Rebthejuvey, Rebldomakr, Rebdomine, Eric.. And Smig!
Favorite Candy: Reeses or kit-kat
Hobbies: Sleeping, music, chatting up tHe gUrLz, coding, being cooler than most
Things You Collect: CDS, DVDS, Figures, posters
Do You Have A Personal Phone Line: Yea and I'm not giving it out
Favorite Body Part Of The Opposite Sex.?: Chest, hair, faces
Any Tattoos And Where Of What?: No never
Piercing(s) And Where?: Noooooooooooope.
What Do You Sleep in?: My day clothes, usually. Or I fall asleep in shorts
Do you like Chain Letters: Kind of, usually pretty annoying
Best Advice: Who gives a shit anyways? Stop listening to the other people around you and look into yourself, that includes me
Favorite Quotes: "Don't wear that outfit again." "KINDER EGG!" "Hey man, what the hell man?!" "Ought to not of looked." "Do you believe in fate?" "Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable? That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence." "That's poetry."
Non-sport Activity You Enjoy: Playing instruments, writing, video games, guns
Dream Car: Camero or BMW
Favorite Thing To Do In Spring: Late night walks, sleep
What’s Your Bedtime: Whenever I get tired. 11pm-1 PM
Where Do You Shop?: Internet or second-hand
Coke or Pepsi: Both are gross
Favorite Thing(s) To Wear?: Cargos, boots, anything too big for me
Favorite Subject(s) In School?: History or compsci
Favorite Color(s): Red, black, purple
Favorite People To Talk To Online: ...Do I even have to say it?
Root-Beer or Dr. Pepper?: DR. PEPPER, Root-Beer is a close second
Do You Shave?: No
Favorite Vacation Spot(s): New Hampshire or Rhode Island
Favorite Family Member(s): My aunt, mom's eldest sister
Did You Eat Paint Chips When You Were a Kid?: No, I licked them from the wall like it was a popsicle
Favorite CD you own: Broken - NIN with Extras
The ONE Person Who You Hate The Most: Hard to say. Probably "that one guy"
Favorite Food(s): Plain toast, vanilla ice cream, scrambled eggs, edamame, avocado, blueberries
Who Is The Hottest Guy or Girl In The World?: Trent Reznor, Uma Thurman, Christian Bale, Elliot Rodger, Kate Moss
What Is Your Favorite Salad Dressing?: Toss all of 'em
When You Die, Do You Wanna Be Buried or Burned Into Ashes?: Dump me into a river, and let the adipocere run thru the water
Do You Believe In Aliens?: Sometimes I really start to.
If You Had The Chance To Professionally Do Something, What would You Do?: Break a bunch of industrial stuff, demolish a house of some kind
Things You Obsess Over: Nine Inch Nails, Other gayass music, Dance Dance Revolution, Borzois, Doing shit on my shitty laptop I am NOT supposed to
Favorite Day of the Week: Tuesday, thursday or Saturday
A Teacher You Hate: None, yet
Favorite Disney Movie: Do I look like a queer? (The Little Mermaid)
What Is Your Favorite Season?: Fall
What Toppings Do You Like On Your Pizza?: Peppers, onions, spinach, tomatoes
Do You Like Your School Food Itself (As In The District Food): Fucking rancid.
If You Could Live Anywhere, Where Would You Live?: Canada, Colorado, Switzerland or Germany
Favorite Thing(s) To Do On Weekends: Catch up on sleep, stay on a phonecall for 10+ hours
Favorite Thing(s) To Get Clean up: Still not sure what this means
Favorite Magazine(s): TIME, MaxPC, Gamepro
Favorite Flower(s): Forget-Me-Nots, Bluebells, Carnations, Lillies, Lily-of-the-valley, Baby's breath
Favorite Number(s): 9, 11, 7, 4, 42, 17, 18, 33, 70, 112
Favorite Ice Cream flavor(s): Mint chip, B-Day cake, cookie dough
What Kind of Guys/Girls Are You Attracted to?: Whoever's coolest, ones with good laughs, people like me
What’s Your Most Embarrassing Moment?: Waking up this morning
If You Could Change One Thing About Yourself What Would It be?: I'd flip myself inside out if I were gievn the chance
Do You Eat Breakfast First Then Brush Your Teeth or Brush first ten eat breakfast: Brush your teeth after, WTF?
Favorite Time of Day: 11 P.M, 4 A.M or 6 A.M
Can A Guy and Girl Be Just “Best Friends?”: Kinda-sorta
Do You Ask The Girl / Guy Out Or Do You Wait For Them To Come To You?: Wait patiently and watch, I don't have confidence
Do You Mind Paying For Sex?: HELL No.
What’s The Most Important thing In Someone’s Personality: Ability to hold a conversation, variety
Do you have a pager or cell phone?: Unfortunately jeah.
Favorite Sport: Hockey
What Was the Best Gift You Ever Received?: My ring
How Long Did This Letter Take You To Finish?: Like 15 mins, embarrassingly long
What Did You Listen To While Completing It?: My boyfriend's gaming commentary and a baby crying
Are you or would you like to be married in the near future (next 5 years)?: Probably not married, sounds cool though
Don’t u just hate how psychics never win the lottery?: The lottery is run by the psychics who read THOSE psychics mind, know that they know the answer then change the numbers last minute.