welcome to... drumroll pls. Dundundundun!
Vodka's awesome site. modern day degener8tion.
heeyyy there.. or, sup hahah. coming from your captain himself. make yourself at home.
this would be the place of.. you guessed it, my very mediocre webpage i scribbled up all by myself! home of the halcyon.
i wanna give a bigggg thanks to.. uh, i forget who i stole it from in all honesty, i just used the base code (aka a single fucking container) then edited the fine details and went from there, etc etc our sites do not look any similar i promise, but really, thank you.
u sonuvabitches have no idea how aww-some this would be, if i were a little better with coding. this is the first & only site i've ever made, so bare with me. there are a lot of things violently, parasocially me housed here. you should check them out.
special thanx to the best beta tester in the world. danke herr proxy.
is it 1999 again? i could only wish. *sigh* Not much more to say on that.